
  1. Parkinson's Law by C. Northcote Parkinson

    Finished on 14 Jan 2021.

  2. Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson

    Finished on 24th Jan

  3. Innovation Stack by Jim McKelvey

    Finished on 3rd Feb

  4. The Gervais Principle by Venkatesh Rao

    Finished on 14th Feb. Really a series of blog post, rather than a book.

  5. Invested by Charles Schwab

    Finished on 20th Feb.

  6. Influence by Robert Cialdini

    Finished on 13th Mar

  7. Working Backwards, Colin Bryar and Bill Carr

    Finished on 10th April — to re-read and take notes

  8. Creative Selection, Ken Kocienda

    Finished on 10th April

  9. AI Superpowers, Lee Kai-Fu

    Finished on 22nd April

  10. Creativity Inc., by Ed Catmull

    Finished on 29th May

  11. Why Greatness Cannot Be Planned: The Myth of the Objective, by Joel Lehman and Kenneth O. Stanley

    Finished on 30th April

  12. Radical Uncertainty: Decision-making for an Unknowable Future, by John Kay and Mervyn King


  13. Skin in the Game (re-read)

    Finished on 21st May

  14. The Everything Store by Brad Stone

    Finished on 25 June

  15. Working in Public: The Making and Maintenance of Open Source Software, by Nadia Eghbal

    Finished on 18 July

  16. Psychology of Money by Morgan Housel

    Finished on 27 June

  17. Amazon Unbound by Brad Stone

Finished on 8 July
  1. Liftoff by Eric Berger

    Finished on 26 August

  2. Ask Your Developer by Jeff Lawson

    Finished on 16 August